If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you might be wondering what you can do to help them. While there is no scientific evidence that ADHD is caused by diet and nutrition problems, a growing body of evidence suggests that dietary interventions can help improve symptoms.

"ADHD is not caused by your child’s diet, but increasing evidence suggests that some symptoms, particularly mood and self-control, may be affected by what she or he eats." - Marianne Glanzman, MD

In this blog post, we'll take a look at some guidelines for ADHD diets and nutrition. Keep in mind, that you should always consult with your doctor or pediatrician first to make sure that these food choices are right for your child.

What is an ADHD Diet?

A healthy diet is important for all children, but it is especially important for kids with ADHD. The right nutrients can help to improve focus and concentration, and they can also reduce the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. However, poor nutrition can exacerbate ADHD symptoms, making it difficult for kids to succeed in school and in social situations.

When it comes to ADHD diets for your child there are a few approaches. With the right diet and nutrition plan, you can help your child to better manage their ADHD symptoms. It's important to work with your doctor or pediatrician to determine which, if any, of these approaches is right for your child.

Overall Nutrition

A balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is essential for kids with ADHD. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be beneficial for people with attention deficit disorders. As such, incorporating foods like salmon, flaxseed, and chia seeds into the diet can be helpful. By ensuring that kids with ADHD eat a nutritious diet, parents and caregivers can potentially help manage symptoms.

Learn more about overall nutrition for children with ADHD →

Supplementation Diet

There are a number of vitamins and minerals that have been linked to improved ADHD symptoms. These include zinc, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B. A supplementation diet for ADHD would involve taking supplements of these nutrients in order to increase their levels in the body. This approach should be discussed with a doctor or nutritionist first, as too much of certain nutrients can be harmful.

Learn more about supplements and vitamins for children with ADHD →

Elimination Diets

An elimination diet for ADHD involves removing certain foods from the diet that are thought to exacerbate symptoms. The most common food groups that are eliminated in an ADHD elimination diet are sugar, artificial additives, and gluten. By eliminating these foods, parents and caregivers can help to improve their child’s symptoms.

Learn more about what foods to avoid if your child has ADHD →

In Conclusion

So, what does this all mean for parents of kids with ADHD? The takeaway is that a healthy diet is important for all children, but it’s especially important for those with ADHD. There are many dietary interventions that can help improve symptoms, but these should always be discussed with a doctor or nutritionist first.